Good news: the 2022-25 project round is fully funded thanks to generous donors!

Social advancement in Madagascar

Fianarana ist ein gemeinnütziges Entwicklungsprojekt, das zur Verringerung der Armut in Madagaskars Dorfgemeinde Fihaonana beiträgt.

Agricultural engineer
Computer scientist
Civil engineer
Tour guide
Social worker
Civil engineer
Car mechanic
Civil engineer
+ 12 beneficiaries
+ 15 Begünstigte
+ 19 Begünstigte
+ 23 Begünstigte
Social problem

Keine Bildungs-Chancen

Junge Erwachsene aus Fihaonana können nach dem lokalen Gymnasialabschluss keine Ausbildung (Studium) absolvieren, was zu einer hohen Armut vor Ort führt.

Services (Outputs)

University studies and support with starting a career

Fianarana adressiert bedürftige, motivierte junge Erwachsene bildungsferner Familien, die den Gymnasialabschluss in Fihaonana erreicht haben und ein Studium absolvieren möchten.

Preparatory year

A good degree starts with closing educational gaps during the one-year preparatory year in Fihaonana.

Career guidance

Im Rahmen des Vorbereitungsjahres erhalten die jungen Erwachsenen auch persönliche Hilfe bei der Berufs-, Studien- und Universitätswahl.

Personal development

Qualified coaching encourages participants in the preparatory year to express themselves, their opinions and their vision.

Study and living costs

During the course of study, all relevant costs are covered, provided that the degree is completed within the specified period (3 years).

Shared accommodations

The students live in segregated shared flats in the capital Antananarivo, which are supervised by us.

Tutoring services

Access to suitable tutoring services and a renowned library expands students' knowledge.

Social work

Nomena, a qualified social worker, and Manitra, a caregiver, look after their protégés with great dedication.

Involvement of parents

Persons with custody are actively involved in the project and have to make their own contribution.

Organic food

The beneficiaries receive rice, vegetables, fruit, fish, meat and eggs directly from our organic farm in Fihaonana.

Data collection

We collect data and conduct our own surveys, which help us in particular with impact analysis.

Job application training

In due course, the beneficiaries learn how to write a good application and conduct a convincing job interview.


Depending on the field of study, professional independence is meaningful and effective and is individually supported by us.

Effects (outcomes and impact)

Lawyer, agricultural engineer or car mechanic instead of poverty-stricken

After just four years of support, the beneficiaries pursue a qualified profession that guarantees a self-determined life above the international poverty line. Committed students are also supported in their Master's and, if applicable, doctoral studies.

About us

Our project management - almost as young as the beneficiaries themselves

The qualified social worker Nomena Ramarozatovo (23) and the trained businessman Fabio Müller (25) complement each other and manage the project directly from Fihaonana.